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Search and Rescue

I joined my first wilderness search team, Amigo SAR Dogs, in 1998. I started also working with a USAR team in 2012 and  enjoy working with dogs in both wilderness and USAR disciplines.

Some challenges I personally faced, led me to open the non-profit ISARC. ISARC is focusing on improving options for training and certification of search and rescue teams in the northeast as well as building a multi-disciplined emergency resource for local, national and international response.



My K-9 Working Partners past and present are listed below.

Jewel of Indpendence Z TimberRidge, 'Indy'

Indy focuses on wilderness HRD


LP's E Roosevelt Jet Star,  'Ellie'

Ellie is active in both Wilderness and USAR Live Find SAR dog


Theodore McKinley Vom Kugelblitz, 'Teddy'

Teddy is learning his role as both Wilderness and USAR Live Find SAR Dog.


Ti Quincy Jack Z TimberRidge, 'Quincy'


Quin was an extraordinary partner in both Wilderness and USAR. He also competed in Obedience, Rally and Agility.


Chestnut's Liberty Rose, 'Libby'


Libby was a wilderness live find dog. She helped me with teaching obedience classes and competed in Rally.

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